geoserver jetty gdal support
download gdal library and imageio-ext library
extract gdal so files to /usr/lib/gdal
add /usr/lib/gdal to ldconfig path
ldconfig reload lib
ldconfig -print |grep gdal
make sure gdal so files loaded
extract imageio-ext jar files to geoserver/WEB-INF/lib
modify your script file for start jetty
add this option
that's all
after restart jetty you can see gdal support formats
extract gdal so files to /usr/lib/gdal
add /usr/lib/gdal to ldconfig path
ldconfig reload lib
ldconfig -print |grep gdal
make sure gdal so files loaded
extract imageio-ext jar files to geoserver/WEB-INF/lib
modify your script file for start jetty
add this option
that's all
after restart jetty you can see gdal support formats